Saturday, November 21, 2015

Political Myths are EVERYWHERE

This is the first post of which I intend to be many posts, that will highlight the misconceptions of today's political atmosphere, with the intention of opening your eyes to the truth of our modern political world. What you do with the information from there, is up to you. At very least, you won't be able to cover your eyes and feign ignorance any longer.

Some potential starter topics you can look forward to soon:

  • Myth: Democrats and Republicans are different ideological parties: Why you should immediately STOP voting for either Democrats or Republicans, no matter how good the candidates appear to be
  • Myth: The Government has your best interests in mind - NOT
  • Myth: There's only two political parties that matter
  • Why Voting for the "Lesser Evil" is Hurting You
  • Myth: America Can Protect the World
  • Myth: Capitalism is Evil
  • Myth: You Get to Vote for the Person, Not the Party
  • Myth: We're a Democracy
  • Myth: There aren't any other good political parties