I find myself instinctually performing a facepalm whenever political discussions are laid on the table by both people I know and love, and complete strangers. The facepalming only increases as I see more and more posts flood facebook and other social networks with millions of people crying out for their favorite democratic or republican presidential candidate.
Why facepalm? It's because despite truly well meaning intentions, most of these folks either don't know or knowingly choose to be ignorant of the fact that both parties have been completely corrupted. Neither of them follow the original tenants of their own ideologies and both parties have the same exact goals, but with different presentations.
The myth, in this instance, is that the republican and democratic parties are two separate political parties that have YOUR best interests at heart. The TRUTH - Both parties in this modern world are the SAME and neither one of them gives a damn about you or anyone of their other constituents.
Both the democratic and republican parties are hell-bent on increasing profits for large corporations, increasing the gap between the upper and lower classes, pursuing war, completing globalization and taking away the rest of your rights.
So while you're sitting back thinking about whether or not you'll vote for Sanders, Clinton, Bush or Trump, they're all working together to swindle and hoodwink you. You could vote for any of them, and none of it would matter, because the person they want in office is the person who will get the office and as long as you're voting for either of the main parties, they'll get what they want: more war, more taxes, more civil liberty erossion and more debt.
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